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‘Abandoned NYC’, Photos of New York City’s Abandoned Spaces by Photographer Will Ellis

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Abandoned NYC Photos of New York City

Since 2012 Brooklyn-based photographer Will Ellis has been documenting eerie abandoned locales in New York City in his ongoing photo series Abandoned NYC. The series has taken Ellis to all five boroughs, including a decaying mental hospital in Queens and an abandoned dormitory in Staten Island. Ellis has distilled 150 photos from the series into a photo book (available from the author and from Amazon). Ellis will be discussing New York City’s abandoned spaces in a lecture at the New York Public Library on May 7, 2015.

Abandoned NYC Photos of New York City

Abandoned NYC Photos of New York City

Abandoned NYC Photos of New York City

Abandoned NYC Photos of New York City

Abandoned NYC Photos of New York City

photos by Will Ellis

via Ufunk.net

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3579 days ago
Leicester, UK
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A Circular Wave Tank Generating Water Spouts and Other Impressive Aquatic Phenomena

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The FloWave wave and current research tank demonstrates the wide variety of waves it can generate in this fascinating short video from 2014–the water spouts are particularly impressive. Located at the University of Edinburgh, the 82-foot diameter tank features an unusual circular design that allows waves and currents to be directed in any direction. A ring of 168 wave generators line the edge of the tank, while 28 flow-drive units can generate currents of over 13 MPH. The tank is primarily used to test scale models of devices intended for use in water.

via Digg

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3579 days ago
Leicester, UK
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Here’s an excellent essay about what it’s like to work in an office

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It’s by Ramona Emerson (not pictured), one of the best writers of all time:

The weird thing about working all day everyday is that you’re going to die. and when you die you’re dead forever. Like who is the person who said, “I know. Five days will be for work and two days will be for brunch and everything else good.” That person must have hated people. And the thing is we just go along with it like there’s some kind of biological imperative to work five days a week. Like evolutionary psychology could be made to explain it just like it is made to explain everything that no one wants to deal with. You’re 28 and salad is the best part of your day. 

People have such weird ideas about work. If you told your mom you hated your boyfriend and he made you want to die, she would be like, “Break up with him!” But if you told your mom that you hated your job and it made you want to die, she’d be all, “Maybe you need to adjust your expectations.”

Offices are so strange. It’s so hard to know what’s going on in them. Are other people  working? It’s impossible to say since for a lot of people working has become indistinguishable from fucking around on the internet.

Read on for lots more, including bathroom sex fantasies and spinach and goat cheese salad.

[Photo by MCC]


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3601 days ago
"You get your spinach and goat cheese salad, because you’re only young once, and then you immediately head back inside. You get to your desk, and you sit down, and the fucking insane part is that you’re relieved. It feels good to sit."
Cambridge, Massachusetts
3601 days ago
Leicester, UK
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3601 days ago
This writer is indeed great
Brooklyn, New York

Things I want to tell people that I wish people had told me:

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Things I want to tell people, that I wish people had told me::
  • You don’t have to achieve great things by the time you’re 25
  • You have intrinsic value above and beyond your perceived utility to other people and society at large. 
  • You don’t have to have sex, or have sex in any way that you find uncomfortable or unpleasant, to keep anyone’s love or good opinion of you. They didn’t love you or think very well of you to start with if they demand it. 
  • You don’t have to stay with someone who isn’t meeting your emotional or sexual needs because they need you, or you’ve been with them for awhile, or you need to be in a relationship. You need you. Your time is your own and it is finite. 
  • It’s ok to work at a job you enjoy that doesn’t make you miserable even if it’s not a career and it won’t “lead to anything.” 
  • Your life is not a narrative. It is not leading to anything, there is no overarching thesis, it does not have themes beyond the usual shared cultural experiences of your time and place. This is ok. It does not mean that your life is without purpose or meaning. 
  • It’s ok not to like or get along with the vast majority of people you encounter, so long as you afford them the same respect, courtesy and dignity that they afford you. 
  • Expensive is not always better. 
  • Failure is temporary if you’re still alive. 
  • People are both much better and much worse than you’d suspect, but usually not all at once. 
  • Stop thinking of your future self as a different person and it will be easier to prevent money and health problems. 
  • Let people help you, lean on them when you need to, and be available to help, but don’t swing too far in either direction. Try to carry your half of the life basket as evenly as you can. 
  • Set boundaries, and do not be afraid to kick people out of your life who disregard them. You will not end up alone and unloved. People who love you will be ok with your boundaries. 
  • Your power does not come from money or beauty, but from seeing life steadily and wholly, from a curious and thoughtful mind, and from your ability to say no when you want to, and yes when you want to, and I don’t know when you don’t know. 
  • There will be bad times, maybe lots of bad times, but not only bad times. 
  • Love will not heal the wounds in your soul, but love can give you the impetus to begin the work of healing yourself. 
  • Life might be a long series of starting over, and that’s alright. 
  • You’re really cool, you’re really beautiful, you’re really special. Really. Not to everyone, but to a lot of someones sometimes.
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3878 days ago
Leicester, UK
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3883 days ago
"Try to carry your half of the life basket as evenly as you can."
Brooklyn, NY

Mirror Mirror on the Wall…

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Who wouldn’t want a mirror that compliments them first thing in the morning? [Michael]‘sMagic Mirrordoes this and more. [Michael] got the idea for his mirror during an epic Macy’s shopping trip with his girlfriend. While looking for aboyfriend chair, [Michael] noticed a mirror with a lighted sign behind it. Intrigued by the effect, [Michael] realized he could build it – and build it better!

Back at home [Michael] set to work. The Magic Mirror uses a piece of one-way mirror, similar to infinity mirrors. Instead of LED’s and another mirror, [Michael] wanted to embed an entire monitor behind the glass. In order to keep the mirror thin, [Michael] needed a monitor with cables exiting toward the side or bottom rather than directly out the back. He found what he was looking for in an Iiyama monitor. Yanking the case off a brand new LCD can be a bit nerve-wracking, but [Michael] pulled it off in pursuit of a thin final product.

Magic Mirror’s frame is built with standard 2×4 lumber. [Michael] had the foresight to include some cooling holes for the heat generated by the monitor. The heavy 6.5Kg final product required a double mounting point.

With a good-looking case, it was time to get some equally good-looking data to display. [Michael] used a Raspberry Pi to drive his display. He switched the Pi’s display mode to portrait and installed Chromium in kiosk mode. The entire mirror is essentially a web page. [Michael] used some simple HTML, CSS and Javascript to pull time and weather data down from various feeds. The page is rendered in a clean Helvetica Nueve Neue font with matching icons. A handsome build indeed!

Filed under: home hacks, Raspberry Pi
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3943 days ago
Leicester, UK
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3944 days ago
Very cool project :)

Board Games via Skype

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Hmm, that’s an interesting challenge. I’m sure I could search Google the boardgamegeek forums and find some board games that are routinely played via Skype, but let me ruminate on the problem a bit first.

How could this be done? I’ll Let’s think this through usingMonopolyas an example. One party (A) would set up the board and position the camera such that the other party (B) could see it; Party A would also be in charge of moving the pieces and placing houses/hotels onto the board. Party B would roll their own dice, take deeds from their own set when purchasing property, and use their own bank. When money was transferred from a player in one party to a player in the other, the debtor would return the sum to their bank and the creditor would take an equivalent amount from theirs. When a player in Party B landed on a Chance or Community Chest space, a player in Party A would draw the card on his behalf and read it aloud.

As So, as near as I can tell, Monopoly would work without requiring any modification to the game rules. So As would Carcassonne, if someone in Party A revealed tiles on behalf of the players in Party B and placed them (along with the associated meeples) in accordance with the wishes of the active players. Viewing the board might be a pain for players in Party B, but it’s doable.

Here are a few others that use a central board, and would require parties to coordinate their moves/components, but could hypothetically be played via Skype:

The common denominator in the games above is the lack of hidden information. The problem comes when players draw items (such as cards) from a common pool (such as a deck), and these items are

meant to be kept secret. Hence the exclusion ofSettlers of Catanfrom the list above (development cards), and the main version of Agricola (Occupation and Minor Improvement cards).To see why this is an issue let’s examine Scrabble, where each player

secret. Each player in Scrabble has their own set of hidden tiles. tiles, for instance, which are kept hidden. Here again Party A could be in charge of the board, placing tiles onto the spaces dictated to them by the players in Party B. But from where does a player in Party B draw to refill his hand? If each party the tiles in their copy of the game, uses their own pool of tiles, it messes up the distribution: you have twice as many Z’s etc., in the game, and you’ll have to play twice as long before you run out of tiles. If you only use one pool, and there are at least two players in each party, I can’t think of an easy way for a player in Party A to draw tiles on behalf of someone in Party B and communicate that information to them whilst keeping in secret from himself and others.

(If Party B was composed of only one person this could be done, though. Party A sets up a rack right in front of and facing the camera; replacement tiles are placed onto the rack without the drawing player looking at them. When the player on Party B plays, he indicates which tiles he’s using and where they should be placed, e.g. “the second, third, fifth, and sixth tiles from the left to spell ‘carbine’, intersecting ‘trundle’ at the ‘n’.”)

Given all this, the ideal game for playing over Skype would seem to So. The ideal game would be one without a central board, board or common pool from which hidden items are taken. Dice games leap to mind, such as Roll Through the Ages, Dungeon Roll, and King of Tokyo (the superfluous board of which could be replaced by simply putting the in-Tokyo monsters monster figure in front of the camera). camera), and Dungeon Roll.

Another category would be games in which each person plays from his own deck of cards. Dominion almost works (but when a player in one party bought a card, the other party would have to trash an identical card), as does Sentinels of the Multiverse (although (but the Villain and Environment decks are a “central board” of sorts).

Sentinels is also cooperative, which simplifies some aspects of playing over Skype. Other co-ops that should work well include Forbidden IslandandForbidden Desert, Flash Point: Fire Rescue, andElder Sign.

What am I forgetting?

P.s.After posting I allowed myself toGoogle this topic, and there are fewer suggestions out there than I had anticipated. Most recommend playing via V.A.S.S.E.L.or similar service that mediates the game, with Skype there to facilitate the social aspect.

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3991 days ago
Leicester, UK
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